RF Accounts Payable/Purchasing
General Purchasing
- Electronic Signature Policy (PDF)
- Independent Contractor Procedure (PDF)
- Export Control Survey (Word)
- Independent Contractor Working Relationship Form (PDF)
- Order Complete Form (Excel)
- Participant Stipend Form (PDF)
- RF Purchase Requisition Form (PDF)
- W-9 (PDF)
- Travel FAQS for Same Day Trips (PDF)
- Travel Expense Policy for Same Day Travel - SUNY RF (PDF)
- Transportation Expense Policy for Non-Employees - SUNY RF (Word)
- Travel Handbook for Overnight Travel - SUNY RF (PDF)
- Declaration of Missing Receipt form (Word)
- Declaration of Missing Receipt form (Excel)
- Declaration of Missing Receipt form (PDF)
- Transportation Reimbursement Request Form - Same Day Travel - SUNY RF (PDF)
- Travel Advance Request - Overnight Travel - SUNY RF (Excel)
- Travel Reimbursement Request - Overnight Travel - SUNY RF (Excel)
- Travel: Lodging Justification For Over the Per Diem Rate - SUNY RF (PDF)
- Travel: Justification for Late Travel Reimbursement Request Form - SUNY RF (PDF)